Thursday, September 13, 2012

World Cup Qualifier in Columbus

So the U.S. decided to host a World Cup Qualifier in Columbus Ohio and I couldn't be more thrilled. Although the structure is unimpressive by itself, it produced an electric atmosphere that spurred the U.S. to victory. I got tickets with a roommate from Spain and one of his buddies and got to see another roommate at half time. The U.S. won 1-0 (I managed to get the goal on tape and posted below) and overall the atmosphere was awesome. Should the U.S. advance and it is expected they will, I will check the cities for the next round and if one is in a reasonable distance I will likely try to go again. It was an awesome experience! Also I found out you can get Columbus Crew tickets at the student union for less than $10 which I'm sure I will also be taking advantage of.

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