Wednesday, December 31, 2008


So I watched I AM LEGEND with some buddies before bed last night, then I tried to go right to sleep. Let it be noted that I'm currently sleeping in the basement because my room is occupied with my sisters boy friend. While trying to fall asleep, I kept expecting those crazy zombie things to come and jump out me. Freaky

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Family Gatherings

I've decided that my mom's side of my family is too big. Way to big. She had 6 brothers and 5 sisters and they have produced a total of 28 cousins of mine not including me and my sister. In addition, some of my cousins have married and produced approximately roughly another additional 10 to 12 children. I find myself explaining where I go to college and where that is
and yes my sister went there too roughly 23947289347298374 times at these gatherings. Ridiculous? Annoying? Cause for a headache? I believe so.

Friday, December 26, 2008

I Miss Coe

So I've been on winter break for over 2 weeks now and I have to say I wish I could go back to college faster. Don't get me wrong, I love not having to do anything such as homework or go to band, but not having to do anything has pretty much made me do nothing. I go to the gym and play tennis pretty much every day and I've read a few books, but other than that it has been a lot of Christmas get-togethers and watching TV. Nobody from high school has called me to do something and whenever I've contacted someone to see if we could do something, the response is always "Oh we'll for sure do something over break! I'll plan something and let you know." Well clearly either people are forgetting about me or just lying to me, either way not a comforting thought. I mean I understand that we probably weren't great friends in high school but I feel like I always tried to put my friends before me because I always thought it would pay off somewhere. I don't know. Leaving Coe where I've made tons of great friends and coming home to this makes me feel like nobody in high school really liked me that much. It sounds overly dramatic I know but I did wonder sometimes and this is one of those times. Anyway I have a massive headache(which has to do with the sour mood) from getting little to no sleep last night and playing tennis all day and I have a family gathering to drive 2 hours to and from tomorrow. Time for a glass a water, a few advil, and many hours of much needed sleep.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The order of the Harry Potter books from greatest to only great

Harry Potter 4, the Goblet of Fire, is undoubtedly the best Harry Potter book. If you have a differing opinion, I'm  here to tell you that your opinion is in this case, WRONG. the order of the other 6 is open to be disputed and I will respect all opinions.
here's the order
4, 3, 7, 1, 5, 6, 2

Monday, December 15, 2008

Throwing a shoe?

Seriously? Why would you throw a shoe at anybody, especially the president. I'll admit he's not my favorite and I thought it was a tiny bit funny at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I was disgusted by it. Seriously, a shoe?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Returning to college

Overall, I would have to say my Thanksgiving break was a little disappointing. Of the kids from my grade who are now at college, I saw 1 friend which was Andrew Reiner at the gym. Aaron Horsager didn't come back home and Jon Slye remained busy for the entire trip, and other than that, I didn't get manage to arrange anything with a single person from my grade. I have to ask myself why it's like that? But then I remember what high school was like sometimes, it always seemed like I was stretching for people, trying to get closer to people yet often getting ignored or pushed away. I wish I could say that it's not a big deal to me, but that would be a lie. I can't say Thanksgiving break wasn't good for me, aside from being a good break, I realized I have made some great friends at college. Friends that really care about me and couldn't wait for me to come back to Coe. On Thanksgiving day I turned off my phone assuming no one would try to contact me and when i turned on my phone at 4:30, I had 21 text messages from people! 18 of those people were people I met at college taking time out of their day to wish me a happy thanksgiving and many of them were personalized meaning they weren't just a mass text. Although I do have good memories of high school with friends, I realized at break that most of them were just high school friends and that that's ok with me now. I think I have found something better.