Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years continued again(read first one and proceed upwards on page)

Before college, I went to China(more specifically Taiwan and Hong Kong) with the band at Coe. Although the band was mostly made up of adults, I was able to meet some good people and make some lasting bonds of friendship. Most notably are the 4 other freshmen on the trip who, like me, had not experienced any of Coe College. The 5 of us went to school after the trip knowing each other quite well and I'm now confident that at any time, I could go to any of them for anything. Then I started college. The first few weeks were indeed, quite strange. Everyone seemed to be running around and making friends and although I was meeting people, I did feel a little left out. That soon changed however, as I have made the best friends of my life at college. The turning point would have been rushing for fraternities and joining Lambda Chi Alpha along with 20 some other freshmen. Because of the friends I have made, I have been asked to live on their wing next semester, a great honor for a freshmen. In addition, at college I have learned a lot about myself and how people look at me. College has given me a lot of confidence that I didn't have around kids in high school and for the 3 weeks I've been home at college, I've wanted to go back to have more fun.
There's no denying it, 2008 was a huge year for me. Even though it was a horrible year for the economy, I was always remember 2008 as a positive year for myself and for the country(the election, crossing fingers, hope he does well). If anyone actually actually reads these, I hope your year will be viewed positively, even if everything didn't go your way. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like Coe is treating you well. It's a wonderful place, and Lambda Chi was a fantastic choice. Make good use of your time with both.


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