Thursday, January 24, 2013

New Star Wars Director?

So recently we found out that Disney bought the rights to the Star Wars franchise and were making 3 more episodes. As a kid I loved Star Wars (nerd yeah I know, deal with it) so I was surprised but happy to hear the news. Today they announced JJ Abrams is going to direct this movie. After a quick google search I realized that JJ Abrams indeed directed many quality movies and television series. He directed "Alias", a great action TV series, "Lost", one of my favorites until it got crazy and I never actally managed to finish the series, "Fringe" which is another freaky TV show, "Revolution" which is a new hit series that I personally liked, and numerous movies such as a few of the "Mission Impossible" movies. He also happened to direct the most recent and also the upcoming Star Trek movies. Now the last one was awesome (I saw it at midnight even though I'm not a Star Trek fan and it was awesome) but it is very funny that the Star Trek director is directing Star Wars. Star Trek vs Star Wars was a common lunch table argument back in elementary school and my high school "Pops" concert one year had a "Space" theme where one of the sketches is people dressed as characters from both movies get into an argument at a convention. I streamed "Pops" live on my computer that year I happened to be stuck in a hotel for tennis. Anyway the irony of the situation amused me and I thought I would write about it. Now back to preparing my presentation for Wednesday.

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