Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Post-presentation deload

So following my in class presentation today that took an hour and twenty minutes including me talking and getting drilled with questions I am pretty brain drained. I met with the Professor already and she thought I did a really good job and I will receive an awesome grade, much better than I expected. However following this I had to scramble and put together my presentation for my lab which (I timed it) was literally 10 times shorter due me only working for 3 weeks and the questions were much more laid back. However now I am brain drained so I left lab at 5 (which is super early for me) got some Chinese food at Fortune Cookie which I have never had before (it's not bad about as good as Great Dragon but not nearly as cheap) and am now deloading watching the news and then probably some Hulu and maybe a movie or some FIFA tonight. Tomorrow I am back at is as I have an exam next Tuesday. LIfe marches on!

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