Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Not your typical Tuesday

So today seemed like it would be a fairly normal Tuesday. Woke up at 7 to go swim before going into lab. Went through my daily routine of lab work and homework while bouncing to main campus and back for classes and seminar. Overall not much was different but two big news things change the whole feel of the day. The first was known as today is the President's State of the Union address. After the election, especially in Ohio, I am pretty politically exhausted but I have decided to watch as it will come on in a few minutes and I finished my take home exam already. I think we can all recognize the downsides of partisan bickering but I wish all of them the best regardless of party or political belief as they all attempt to tackle the issues facing our country. The second event was the Pope resigning. As a Catholic I am fairly aware of the procedures that go into choosing a new Pope but not in over 700 years has a Pope resigned. I think this is likely the new trend we will see in the future. With modern medicine the Pope can now stay alive while in poor health for a very long time but would be unfit to serve or make any real decisions. It's really something rare when people step down from positions of power but I likewise wish him the best and his replacement as well.

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