Friday, July 13, 2012

Attempts to join the club tennis team DENIED

So the title is more dramatic than the actual story. After being here almost a month and not really knowing anyone here, I decided to check out the rec sports/intramurals page. I was disappointed there was a summer soccer league I could have signed up if I had found the page earlier but was excited to see there were teams during the year and also a Club Tennis team (along with "team tennis" which are apparently different). I emailed the person in charge wondering about the team and if anyone was around this summer to hit with. Unfortunately due to my varsity experience at Coe, I have been denied a spot on the club team due to the "strict regulations regarding varsity athletes" but he at least said he would see who is around this summer and give me their contact info. Also they have an intramural event called "Battleships" where teams of 4 board canoes and attempt to sink other canoes by throwing water into each others canoe. Registration lasts another few days so perhaps I'll enter as a "free agent" and hope a good team of 3 needs me.

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