Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bike Issues, again...

So this week bike riding had become increasingly laborsome again. I figured it was due to playing pickup soccer and a leg workout back to back days but Wednesday heading to work someone on the Lane Avenue Bridge yelled to me to tell me I had a flat back tire. Once at work sure enough, my back tire was flat. When I got home I checked it with my pump and it was only at 20 psi (ideal for this tire is 80) and so I pumped it back up. Thursday on the way to work I had barely got to the end of the road when my tire popped. Thankfully I left early enough that my roommate was able to give me a ride and I've bused since but I seemed to have another problem. At happy hour yesterday I talked to several of the undergrads who happened to be avid bike riders and one of them has offered to patch it so I spent this morning going to his recommended bike shop to get new tubbing and a patch kit. Tomorrow we are having a picnic because Prashant is going back to India so he offered to fix it then. The bike shop was cool and the worker even gave me a very detailed city map for free with all the bike trails and safe streets to drive on which will be awesome because Columbus drivers are increduously even worse than Cedar Rapids drivers. So after finishing my work today (Saturday) I will go with Prashant to get food for the picnic, maybe get a workout at the ARC and perhaps watch a movie (I bought several cheap ones at half-priced books along with several books) or read my "The Making of Barcelona" book by Graham Hunter which is excellent if anyone follows Barcelona soccer at all.

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