Saturday, July 7, 2012


Some of you have been asking what I've been doing for fun in Columbus. In short, not a whole lot but I have been careful as always to squeeze a workout into my day. Other than running and biking, there are two places to go on campus to work out. One of them is the ARC(Adventure Recreation Center) on West Campus that houses a modest weight room but several basketball courts, indoor soccer fields, and a rock climbing wall. I have parking near there so I have gone a few times. However, most of the time I go to the RPAC (the Recreation and Physical Activity Center). To say it modestly this place is incredible! It is also conveniently located across the road from the Biomedical Research Tower where I work. Here are some photos.

 Above is the outside view that I took from the website.
This is a picture of the weight room on the main floor.
This is my photo of the "cardio cave"

One of the 6 basketball courts at the RPAC

A picture of the lobby complete with 2 cafes and some lounge space.

Another picture of the weight room with the walkway out.

A view of the "Horseshoe" (football stadium) from the upper levels.

A view from the entrance where I park my bike. The Biomedical Research Tower (where I work) is the tall one in the center.

Finally, a view of the 12 tennis courts outside. Also missing are the 2 soccer fields and practice football fields.
Also in the RPAC is a running track, boxing area, many workout classrooms, huge locker rooms, child care center, squash courts, racketball courts, mats, more cardio equipment, and as I learned talking to another student extensive lounges where pool, ping pong, and other recreation activities occur. Usually I head to this building after work around 8 or 9 and then bike home to make dinner and relax before bed.

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