Monday, July 23, 2012

Developing a new habit

So I found out this Monday at work that Columbus had a jazz festival downtown this weekend. I realized how much of the city I am missing out on and am pretty disappointed I don't really have anyone to go check these things out with. However, I discovered a website that has lots of cool stuff so hopefully I'll be ready to hit the group running in the mean time. Since I'm not playing organized tennis anymore and don't really have a way to play any pick up games (other than the occasional soccer) I have taken the opportunity to try new personalized workouts and see how I like them. After playing tennis for so many years and using my training time to run developing quickness and endurance, its fun to try some new things out. Lately I've been doing more weight training, explosive training, and biking. Now I realize some of you may have a chuckle at this as I have been a scrawny guy forever but actually know my way around the weight room. The traditional lifts kind of bore me and I really don't like bench pressing or military very much so I've been looking for other things to fill the void. has some great blogs that are available and I've also been following this Chad Waterbury guys blog (he also has a book I'm considering ordering) that has lots of good stuff on it. Basically, I'm buying into the whole varying your workout strategy to fight boredom and stagnation. So far its been working out pretty well. It's been a lot of fun so far and I've actually put on a little muscle doing it. Personally I don't really care to ever get bulked out I think it looks kind of absurd on guys that aren't using it for sports but getting a little bigger isn't a bad thing. Also I've let a few people walk over me the last few years and there is an attitude change involved that I think is positive for me. Since I've been doing some explosive stuff too I might be better at team sports when I go back to them. I like reading all the various ideas towards getting fit and different people's advice. A lot of the traditional thoughts on fitness have been proven to be very wrong and I've definitely found this out for myself as well. Anyway, I'll end here and stop what I'm sure is an amusing article to anyone reading it. Catch you guys later.

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